Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

  1. Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Welcome to the All Saints' CE Primary School Curriculum pages. We hope that the material you find in these pages will be informative, interesting and useful and would encourage you to come back and visit them regularly. We are always planning amazing learning opportunities for our children and love sharing them.

Love to Learn, together with the Lord 

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

At All Sain⍭s' we believe we are all made in the image of God however all unique and different; each of us is called to follow Jesus throughout our lives, in different ways and with varying paths.

We work to ensure that each child can hear the voice of the Lord, and be equipped in body, mind and spirit, to respond in the best way. Through close collaboration with our parish church and with our wider community we make sure that our children have strong Christian values, are healthy and safe and are encouraged to aspire to be the best person they can be.

Through our curriculum, worship, and play we help every member of our school community to develop life long Christian faith and live this out in their daily lives. In short, we want our children to love to learn together with the Lord and go out into his world and make a difference. 

A more flexible curriculum approach can support student success


Curriculum Details

At All Saints’ CE Primary School, we aim to make every day full of excitement, challenge and fun, equipping today’s children for tomorrow’s world.

 The aim of our curriculum is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. We aim to  provide an aspirational, broad and balanced learning experience in a highly inclusive environment where learners at all levels are helped to achieve their potential in a place where they feel safe, loved and respected.

 All Saints’ Curriculum:


  • Places literacy at its heart. 
    • Quality texts provide opportunities to explore and understand a range of language and vocabulary
    • Providing opportunities to write throughout the wider curriculum
    • ‘Speaking and Listening ‘underpins’ our work across the curriculum; learning is ‘Talk Rich'
  • Is permeated by our 3 Key Drivers
    • My health – ensuring the children leave All Saints’ knowing how to keep themselves, their minds and their bodies healthy.
    • My Aspirations – ensuring the children leave All Saints’ full of aspiration from learning about the success of others in today’s world, from the past, in our Community, our nation and nations all over the world.
    • My Values – ensuring the children leave All Saints’ with strong Christian values underpinned by the teaching of our Lord and the Bible.
  • Provides memorable experiences and wider opportunities in to order to develop children’s cultural knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • Builds on the children’s prior learning and is carefully designed to ensure clear coverage and progression.
  • Places high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding alongside physical development, well-being and mental health.



 At All Saints’ we have developed and continue to review our curriculum in order to engage and inspire all children in school.  This is achieved by:

  • Teachers are encouraged to be creative in delivery to ensure, where and when possible, learning knowledge and skills are linked and taught in meaningful contexts which allows for retention of knowledge. This may be achieved in a variety of ways:
    • Subject areas are taught discretely to ensure children develop a clear understanding of the key knowledge and skills required to be successful in that field of study
    • Delivering curriculum themed weeks and days
    • Taking the objectives of the framework and delivering it in a way which is flexible and meets the specific needs of their class
    • Opportunities are given for children to be able to recall, revisit and apply knowledge and skills
  • Our curriculum ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality first teaching, supported by targeted, immediate intervention where appropriate.
  • access a wide variety of extra curricular clubs outside of regular learning hours 



The impact of our curriculum is evident in the outcomes of our pupils. This evidence is collected and analysed in a variety of ways.  

We use a variety of ongoing assessments of children’s learning in order that we can constantly reflect on the impact of our teaching and can ensure we plan learning opportunities which are meeting individual children’s needs. This  allows us to constantly capture their progress and ensure they are given the best possible opportunities to meet the end of year expectations.

At All Saints' subject leaders oversee, develop, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their subject within school across all year groups. Staff are committed to providing high quality learning experiences for our children and therefore provide a key role in supporting staff with professional development.  Subject leaders provide feedback to governors on a termly basis.

Pupil voice is important to us and the children are given opportunities to reflect on their learning thus informing us as a school of our success in developing children who can show and explain what they have learnt.


*  dependant upon pandemic status and safety. 










School Council 

2 representatives from each class



Worship Committee 2 representatives from each class




Enterprise.  Children plan, make and sell.  They choose how profit is spent. Biannual *


Class Assembly*


Kidsafe - Mental Health & Safeguarding Training

















Church Service * 

July/ Dec








Whole school Trip/Visitor



Christmas Panto/Performance

Museum Visit  * 





Residential Visit*







Outdoor Adventure Borwick



Seaside Visit








Library * 

Each term


Place of worship visit or religious visitor. * 


School Leaders, roles and responsibilities









Buddy *









Community *  Volunteers


Each week KS2 tribes to undertake community work such as picking up litter, gardening, buddy reading etc

Special Weeks/ Days


For the whole school

Autumn – Language/ Literacy/ Geog Week/ Anti bullying

Spring – Stem Week/ Prayer Week/ Internet safety/ World Book Day

Summer – Art/ History week

Worship/ Assemblies


These are linked to Christian/ British Values and learning.


The Christian Calendar

Jigsaw PHSE curriculum

Singing / Choir

Celebration assemblies – Pupil of the week, Gold Wards, attendance, sporting achievements, personal successes.



School Council choosing 2 charities each year has to organise and raise money for charity events.

Worship / Services in Church


We visit church as a whole school to through and a host of significant Christian celebrations. Classes, plan and lead the services eg Harvest, Christmas and Easter.


Extra-curricular activities


These are available throughout the year.  There are activities which cater for all age ranges.



The school takes part in a variety of local sports and academic competitions through the year.