2023 - 2024
Welcome to Year 6 and your final year at All Saints'; it's going to be great. Year 6 is fun-filled and action packed year where you will make many amazing memories for you to take away as you progress onto High School.
We cannot wait to fill this page with the amazing work you produce with us... watch this space!
Mrs Marsden and Mrs Barnes
SATS 2024
Monday 13th May - Spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Tuesday 14th May - Reading comprehension.
Wednesday 15th May - Arithmetic and Reasoning 1.
Thursday 16th May - Reasoning 2.
Please help your child to complete their homework. The children will bring home numeracy or literacy on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Please listen to your child read as often as possible. Studies show that children make more progress when they complete regular reading at school and at home, and we hope you will take every opportunity to read and discuss with your child a range of texts. Please write notes, comments and questions in their homework diaries.
Spellings and Grammar
Spellings and Grammar will be given on a Monday and tested on a Friday and should be practised daily (10minutes each). Your child will bring home their spelling book and they will also be put on Seesaw each week.
Tables should be practised daily (15 minutes each) on TT Rockstars. The children will be tested on their tables every Friday.
Tables and spellings are integral to children’s progress in literacy and numeracy.
Thank you for your support.
This half term PE will be on a Friday afternoon. On this day, the children are to come into school wearing the correct PE kit and trainers. No football kits to be worn for PE please.
- School jumper.
- Team t shirt or white t shirt.
- Royal blue or black shorts.
- Black/blue joggers or leggings.
- Trainers (not pumps).
Please make sure your child has removed their earrings and long hair is tied up!
Thank you
Please find see the link below to see the Year 6 Curriculum overview.
Curriculum Letter - Autumn term 1 2023
Curriculum Letter - Autumn Term 2 2023
Curriculum Letter - Spring Term 1 2024
Curriculum Letter - Spring Term 2 2024
Curriculum Letter - Summer Term 1 2024
At the start of our new topics in our subjects we share with the children the what we will be learning. The children have a copy of this to refer back to when needed. Our knowledge organisers are also displayed in the class on our working walls.
Autumn Term 1 2023: Printing - Andy Warhol.
Spring Term 2 2024: Collage - Decoupage Victorian Art.
Autumn Term 1 2023: The World.
Spring Term 1 2024: Our Diverse World.
Autumn Term 2 2023: The Tudors.
Spring Term 2 2024: The Victorian Era.
Summer Term 1 2024: World WarII
Autumn Term 2 2023: Cushions.
Spring Term 1 2024: Global Food.
Summer Term 1 2024: Electrical Systems.
Autumn Term 1 and 2: Research and Presentation.
Spring Term 1: Data Handling.
Autumn Term 1 2023: Life is a Journey.
Autumn Term 2 2023: How do Christian's prepare for Christmas?
Spring Term 1 2024: Why is the Exodus such a significant event in Jewish and Christian History?
Spring Term 2 2024: Why do Christian's celebrate The Eucharist?
Spring Term 2 2024: Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Summer Term 1 2024: What is the nature and character of God?
Autumn Term 1 2023: Evolution and Inheritance.
Autumn Term 2 2023: Light.
Spring Term 1 and 2 2024: The Circulatory System.
Science Term 1 2024: Electricity.
Autumn Term 1 2023: Being Me in my World.
Autumn Term 2 2023: Celebrating Differences.
Spring Term 1 2024: Dreams and Goals.
Autumn Term 1 2023: Presenting Myself.
Every term, to further encourage the children's love of reading, we will be finding out about a new author and exploring several of their books. You will find our Focus author below and links to their webpages to share with your children.
Spring term 2 and Summer term 1 - In class we are going to be reading The Mystery of the Whistling Caves and The Mystery of the Midnight Ghost.
Spring term 2 and Summer term 1 author is...
Helen Moss.
She is the author of mystery and adventure books for young readers.
Click on the link below to learn more about Helen Moss.
Spring term 1 - We are reading Older Literature in particular Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Autumn term 2 - We are reading classic fiction in particular The Wizard of Oz.
Autumn term 1 - We are reading The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.
The children in Year 6 made some wonderful Ethiopian Crosses.
The children in designed and made fantastic cushions.
2022 - 2023
Welcome to Year 6 and your final year at All Saints'; it's going to be great. Year 6 is fun-filled and action packed year where you will make many amazing memories for you to take away as you progress onto High School.
We cannot wait to fill this page with the amazing work you produce with us... watch this space!
Mrs Marsden and Mrs Stringer.
Mrs Marsden Mrs Stringer
Class teacher Teaching Assistant
Drawn by Millie-Anne
Head Girl and Head Boy
Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy
Senior Prefects
Team Captains
St George, St Andrew, St Patrick and St David
Sports Captains
Worship Group
Please help your child to complete their homework. The children will bring home numeracy or literacy on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Please listen to your child read as often as possible. Studies show that children make more progress when they complete regular reading at school and at home, and we hope you will take every opportunity to read and discuss with your child a range of texts. Please write notes, comments and questions in their homework diaries. We will change books on a Monday and Thursday. Additionally, they can log on to Bug Club and read one of the books on there and complete a comprehension task.
Spellings and Grammar
Spellings and Grammar will be given on a Monday and tested on a Friday and should be practised daily (10minutes each). Your child will bring home their spelling book and they will also be put on Seesaw each week.
Tables should be practised daily (15 minutes each) on TT Rockstars. The children will be tested on their tables every Friday.
Tables and spellings are integral to children’s progress in literacy and numeracy.
Thank you for your support.
Week 3: 09.05.23 - 12.05.23
Tuesday 9th May - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
Wednesday 10th May - Reading.
Thursday 11th May - Arithmetic and Reasoning 1.
Friday 12th May - Reasoning 2.
Please find see the link below to see the Year 6 Curriculum overview.
Curriculum letter - Autumn term 1 2022
Curriculum letter - Autumn term 2 2022
Curriculum letter - Spring term 1 2023
Curriculum letter - Spring term 2 2023
Homework Enhancement - Spring term 2 2023
Curriculum letter - Summer term 1 2023
At the start of our new topics in our subjects we share with the children the what we will be learning. The children have a copy of this to refer back to when needed. Our knowledge organisers are also displayed in the class on our working walls.
Autumn term 1 - Inheritance and Evolution
Autumn term 2 - Light
Spring term 1 - The Circulatory System
Spring term 2 - Healthy Lifestyles
Summer term 1 - Electricity
Autumn term 1 - The World
Spring term 1 - Diverse World
Religious Education
Autumn term 1 - Life as a Journey
Autumn term 2 - How do Christians Prepare for Christmas?
Spring term 1 - Why is the Exodus such a significant event in Jewish and Christian history?
Spring term 2 - Why do Christians celebrate the Eucharist?
Spring term 2 - Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Summer term 1 - God: What is the nature and character of God?
Autumn Term 1 - Digital Research and Presentation
Autumn Term 2 - Digital Research and Presentation
Spring term 1 - Data Handling
Spring term 2 - Computer Programming
Autumn term 1 - Pop Music: Happy
Spring term 1 - A New Year Carol
Autumn term 1 - Presenting Myself
Spring term 1 - The Date
Spring term 2 - The Weather
Summer term 1 - Clothing
Design Technology
Autumn Term 1 - Structures
Spring term 1 - Global food
Summer term 1 - Electrical Systems
Autumn Term 2 - Printing: Andy Warhol
Spring term 2 - Collage: Victorian Art - Decoupage
Autumn term 2 - The Tudors
Spring term 2 - The Victorians
Summer term 1 - World War II