Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

  1. Information
  2. Home Learning
  3. Year 4

Year 4

 Week commencing 11th January 2021

Good morning everyone and I just want to say again how proud I am not just of the children but you as parent’s too, last week’s work was phenomenal!
Thank you for your support, I’m not sure how I’d have coped with my son, when he was little learning at home! I think I have spoken to nearly every one of you too. Year 4 really is a great team to be a part of!

This week, the planning will be uploaded on to Seesaw daily, hopefully this new system will be much easier to understand and the children can write or type their answers on the screen, saving on printing. Though there are packs available from Mondays in the school office should you need them, just allow time for them to be printed them please. Remember to use the home learning journals we sent home too, if you need another one at any point just message me and I’ll ask the office to have you ready to be picked up.

Any queries or problems please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll try and talk you through it. The children are all pretty good with computers though so they may be the expert to ask! I’m going to plan time to use TT Rockstars and Spelling frame during the day but please encourage the children to use at any other times, the same for Purple Mash. I think I’ve set all the children on the correct tables. If they aren’t please let me know and I can change them. Unfortunately, I’ve left the record sheet in school so I’m reliant on my memory and I know a few of the children moved up to the next lot the last week of term.

Also, I’m going to attach some voice notes that will hopefully help with their understanding of the task. Please bear with me if these don’t work perfectly, it’s a new skill. The children can respond back using the record section if they wish too.

I will be sat at the computer most of the day so will try and respond with feedback as soon as I can, around a few meetings I have this week.
Oh and for Friday’s Geography lesson you will need a toilet roll holder as you will be making a recycled desk tidy for your pens.

Thank you

Miss Platt

Monday 11th January
Literacy Input Focus: Finding Synonyms

Read and enjoy Chapter 1 of the text TheTrainToImpossiblePlaces_extract.pdf

This could be by reading the text to your child or by reading a paragraph, or page, to each other or through independent reading. Children on brown book band or higher should be able to manage this on their own. Those on lime band may need a little help with the odd word.

Look at the vocabulary in the chapter. Find these words and discuss the meaning or use word hippo to find what they mean:
sprawled, stifle, unruly, enthusiasm, rare, affliction, sparked, forming, oblivious.

Can you find any exciting words or any new words? I will add these to the exciting word list I will put on your Seesaw journal like we do it class on the working wall.

Can you find synonyms for your words and write these as a word bank that you might use later in the week?

Watch this video to remind you of what synonyms are: 

Activity Create a wordsearch or a crossword using the new words that you have explored. See if someone in your family can it!

When you have completed this add it to your seesaw journal on Class app.
Resources See Seesaw for the extract ‘The Train to Impossible Places’


Each week, I will still be testing you on spellings as there are a list of words that you are expected to know by the end of year 4.

New groups were discussed with the you on Monday but don’t worry if you have probably forgotten. If you were with me prior to Christmas, you still are.

Mrs Trainor’s group has now changed and if you can’t remember please just ask.

My group need to look at the Wordsmith spellings and everyone else the Editor ones.
Activity Read your spellings out loud then spend 10 mins on spelling frame.

Spellings for Wordsmiths and Editors on Seesaw

Editors 4th Jan.docx

Wordsmith 4th Jan.docx

I would like the you to practise your times tables at the start of every maths lesson at home, to ensure you maintain your knowledge of multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. So log into your Times Tables Rockstars account for at least 10 minutes please.

Focus: Classifying Quadrilateral Activity

Use the link below to work through the different sections of this quadrilaterals lesson. 

Complete the Activity on the BBC website and add pictures to Seesaw.

Activity 2: Properties of quadrilaterals sheet Properties of shapes.docx

Look at the shapes and their names then name the shapes and list their properties.
Then draw another shape, using a ruler if you have one, name and list that shapes properties

Similarities could include:
• Both a rhombus and a parallelogram are quadrilaterals
• Both shapes have two pairs of parallel lines
• Both shapes have two acute and two obtuse angles

Differences could include:
• All sides on a rhombus are equal in length
• A parallelogram ha 2 pairs of sides that are equal in length

Use the text feature to type your response or the pen to write it.

Science Input Focus: Digestive System

In the Spring term, you will begin learning about the digestive system.

Watch the video then play the accompanying games

What happens to food in your mouth? 

Then, learn about the role of different teeth: 

Activity Complete the sentences:
Molars are . . . and they are used to . . .
Canines are . . . and they are used to . . .
Incisors are . . . and they are used to . . .

Use the word bank to complete the sentences -

grind bite tear pointed large and flat thin and sharp

Challenge: Create a model of the different types of teeth. You could use play dough or any materials you have

Tuesday 12th January

Literacy Input Focus: Retrieve of Key information about a Character
Re read Chapter 1 from yesterday
Use the highlighting option on Seesaw, or print the chapter and highlight all the information you read about Suzy.

Activity Now create a fact file or top trumps card about Suzy using the information you have read.
Check your spelling in each sentence and ensure you have the correct punctuation. Use word hippo to help you.


Watch the video on Seesaw of me modelling handwriting with particular attention to the height and length of my ascenders and descender.

Activity If you have a pen license use the words guard and guarantee and write 5 sentences with these words in joining you words.

Everyone else, I want you to practice joining letters in the words guard and guarantee as I have shown.

Input Focus: To develop reading for pleasure
Watch the video on Oak Academy: To develop reading for pleasure  

Follow the teacher’s instructions and then upload the work she has asked you do to Seesaw.

Practise Times Tables Rockstars for at least 10 minutes.

Focus: Quadrilaterals: Today, we would like you to continue to develop your understanding of the properties of quadrilaterals. Play the quadrilaterals quiz to see what you can remember from yesterday’s lesson. Math Game: Quadrilaterals at  
Look at Task 1 and link the criteria for each shape. You could draw the shapes and write the criteria or cut them out.Quadrilaterals - Task 1.docx


Challenge: Who am I?

Using all the properties of shapes you have learnt, create a quiz entitled Who am I? Write the properties of a shape on one side of piece of paper and a draw a picture of the shape on the other to create playing cards, like the one below. Then read out the properties of the shape and see if an adult or sibling at home can guess which shape you are. You could also record yourself and challenge me!

Before Christmas we started our new geography topic on recycling. You generated lots of questions that you wanted to know and over the next few weeks we will hopefully be able to do lots of research and activities so when we get back we will be able to answer these.

Focus: Recycle, Reuse, Renew – Land fill

Watch the presentation at, follow the teacher’s instructions and pause when she tells you too. 

Activity You will be making a recycling desk tidy to help you store your pens while home learning. I look forward to seeing lots of pictures of these. 

Wednesday 13th January 2021
Literacy Input Focus: Use noun phrases effectively.
Read Chapter 2 together or read along as you listen to me reading a few pages on Seesaw.
Record any new/interesting vocabulary that you encounter and I’ll add these to the list.

Activity Look at the character Fletch. Draw a picture of what you think Fletch might look like.
Annotate/label the picture using words from the text to describe his appearance and any that describe his personality.

Use these to write a short character description of Fletch.

Last week we looked at pronouns and how they can replace nouns. Today I would like you to revisit this to see what you can remember.
Copy out the test on the sheet Nouns and Pronouns, you can either type this or write it and follow the instructions. Noun and pronouns.pdf

Generate words that begin with the ‘g’ sound to start with. How many can you think of in 2 minutes?

Words beginning with ‘gu’ make this sound too. Did you realise this? These are some examples
Guide, guitar, guard, guidebook, guest, guardian, guarantee, guess

Activity: Use a dictionary or word hippo to find more words beginning with ‘gu’. Who can find the most?

 Today I would like you to play Daily 10 for 10 mins to practice your tables. Now I don’t want anyone cheating and doing the easy one!!! Try and beat your previous score. 

Focus: Classifying Triangles Watch the video about the different types of triangle and then scroll down the page to complete the games and quiz.

Activity Look at the types of triangle sheet and match the shapes with their properties.Types-of-Triangles.docx

Extension: Draw one of each shape.



Keeping ourselves fit throughout lockdown could be one of our hardest challenges, I’m lucky enough to live near lots of fields and within walking distance of Cuerden so I’m trying to go out for a walk daily. I know it may not be so easy for you so today I want you to either watch

Joe Wicks on You tube or

tune into CBBC at 10.05 and watch Celebrity Supply Teacher – PE with Marcus Rashford, even if you are a Liverpool supporter!!!!!


Thursday 12th January
Literacy - Input Focus: Using the text to plan
Re-read Chapter 2 and the starting page of Chapter 3
If you want to can you read a paragraph out loud and record it for me to hear you.

Think about the following:
What do you think has happened to Suzy?
What will Suzy see when she wakes?
Will Fletch be there?
Where do you think the train is going? Is it to an imaginary place? (Think about the title of the book).


This is about he ending ‘ture’.

Activity Play quickwrite, how many times can you write these words in 1 minute.

Mixture, adventure, capture, feature, moisture, nature, picture, vulture.


Practise your timetables on this one today please. 

Focus Triangles: Look at the powerpoint that is on seesaw and go through each slide following any instructions.PowerPoint - Triangles.ppt

Then complete the questions on the Triangle sheet on Seesaw

RE Input Focus: Epiphany
Our RE topic this half term is Jesus the Son of God.
Watch the Powerpoint on EpiphanyRE - Jesus_feast-of-epiphany-powerpoint-us-ce-161_ver_1.pptx

Activity: Think about what gift you would give to Jesus. Write a description explaining why you have chosen this. RE - Jesus_epiphany-gifts-art-activity.pdf

Friday 15th January
Literacy Input Focus: Write your own version

Orally retell the story so far. (Video it and send it to me if you are feeling brave).

Then read my version on Seesaw. What mistakes can you find? Think about how I could have improved it.

Highlight where I have used: Fronted adverbials, noun phrases and conjunctions. I’ve started this for you.

Activity Write your own chapter of what you think will happen next.

Can you include any of the new words that you have explored this week? These are all on Seesaw

Read back your chapter out loud and check back over your spelling and punctuation.

Input Listen to Seesaw for your spelling test.

For those who have a pack, ask an adult to test you on your spelling this week.

Listen to seesaw for a times table test – I’ll record a few different versions for you to choose from.

Focus:Drawing Polygons


Activity Using a ruler draw
• A scalene triangle
• An isosceles triangle
• A rhombus
• A parallelogram
• 3 different trapeziums

Challenge: Design a ‘fun house’ that you would want to play in. It should be made up a range of polygons. Once you have designed your house, label all the 2D shapes you have used.

Or draw it on Purple Mash

Input In DT this half term we were going to be looking at Food and how it affects our digestive system and bodies. This is a little difficult to do when you aren’t in school but I still want you to carry out some food investigations.

Follow the instructions on the sheet Make Food Matter and record your food habits for the next week ready for next week’s lesson.


Hello Year 4, I can hardly believe we are here again but hopefully this lockdown will result in us finally getting back to some normality.

Attached is the planning for the rest of the week with any links or resources that are needed.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any help at all on Seesaw with anything at home.   


6th January 2021


On Monday, we started our own newspaper report on Goldilocks and the Three bears.

Today, I would like them to finish these off as everyone has worked extremely hard, interviewing and thinking about the features they need in their writing and they’ve also enjoyed it.

Attached, is a template that we have used plus a template with pointers on for each paragraph

KS2 Newspaper Report Differentiated Prompts.pdf

This is the link for the video we been watching too if they need a little reminder

Also attached is a copy of a newspaper report that I have written with the features I would like them to include. Some areas have been highlighted these are:

Noun phrase – yellow

Fronted adverbials – red

Pronouns – blue

The children know what these are and I’m available if they need any reminders.



Watch the video - Do you want to build a snowman and follow the instructions as you go through it. Stop when the speaker tells you too and complete the activity. 

Also attached here at the slides if you wish to print these off and show your working outs or use your home learning journal instead.

Aut4.14.1-Do-you-want-to-build-a-snowman (1).pptx


7th January 2021


Today, I would like you to write your own newspaper article on the National Lockdown.

Interview your family members for their eye witness accounts, try and use lots of good vocabulary to explain how everyone is feeling and you can be as dramatic as you like!  

Can you add fronted adverbials, noun phrases and use pronouns?

Attached is a template to use or you could type it and devise your own newspaper front cover if you are feeling adventurous.

 KS2 Newspaper Writing Template.pdf


Watch the video named Snowflakes Snowflake All around and follow the steps.

Again I have attached the PowerPoint if you want to print it out.



8th January


Today, I want you to complete some reading activities. Attached is a short burst reading comprehension. Please follow the instructions but be careful as the last two pages tell you the answers!

Year 4 comp 1.pdf

If you haven’t access to a dictionary you can use word hippo online.


Today's activity is Wrap up warm.



Extra Activities this week.


I would like you to make a positive memories jar, book or box. A couple of times a week try and add a happy memory of something that has happened and then we can share these when we get back to school or in July.

Please send me pictures of your creations and I can then add those to my happy memory jar too.



Earlier this year, we looked at electricity and its hazards. Electricity is all around us and we use it every day to complete tasks. Using a computer or electronic device, complete the house tour to find out more about electrical safety in the home. 

The children need to work their way through all the rooms in the house and identify the number of electrical hazards they can see.


In school we have been learning French this year. The website we use Language Angels has opened this up for home learning.

Please follow this link

The login details are: Allsai4069

Password: lahome

I would like them to do Entry Level unit 3 Lesson 1 please. Go through the powerpoint and then complete the sheet.


Thank you for all your support, it really is appreciated


Joanne x


Good Morning Year 4!

Welcome to your final week in Year 4. I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed by! Even though we haven’t finished the year like I had in mind, I just want you to know I am very proud of you all and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching every single one of you! You are all superstars and I am very lucky to have taught you this year! I am looking forward to being reunited with you all in September and seeing your beautiful smiling faces! Until then stay safe and keep smiling!

Sending you all a virtual hug! 

Lots of love Miss Dunkley xxxxx 




Complete ‘My favourite memories from Year 4’

Year 4 Summer Literacy Booklet

End of Year 4 Booklet




Target words







Calculation colouring – Mosaics

Emoji Code Breaking Puzzles

Year 4 Summer Themed Booklet

Maths Mystery – The End of Term Play

Times Tables – Colour by Multiplication






Make your own minibeast

Create your own 3D safari animals

3D Minibeasts





Can you work out what these optical illusions are?

Create your own Optical Illusion




STEM Challenges:

How many STEM challenges can you complete?




Home Challenges:

How many challenges can you complete over the summer?




Good Morning Year 4

I hope you had a fabulous weekend and are raring and ready to undertake our home learning for this week.  I have posted your weekly activities on our class page on the school website. Home learning packs are available from the school office. I can’t wait to see the fantastic work which you produce this week!

On Friday we will selecting our ‘Stars of the week’. Will it be you?

Remember to send me your work, photos etc through Facebook or Seesaw. You can message me through Seesaw or drop me an email on Purple Mash.

Keep up the fabulous work Year 4, you are all SUPERSTARS.

I hope you all have a great week!

Stay safe & keep smiling.

Missing you all.

Love Miss Dunkley xxxx



This week’s unit is based around the book Run Wild by Gill Lewis. Set in London, it is a story of friendship, skateboarding and wolves! Enjoy reading the opening to the book, finding out about wolves and a little bit on skateboarding too!

(When following links, parents should monitor that children are remaining on that page only and are keeping safe online.)

Parental supervision and protective equipment are advised if you do choose to attempt or practise ollies! 

Monday 6th July – Lesson 1

Run Wild by Gill Lewis

Before reading the extract, here are some words to investigate. Use a table like the one below to investigate the words. cope, graffiti, forbidden, keen, glare, gritty.


What I think it means

Dictionary definition 






Now read up to the bottom of page 9 in the extract below. Make sure you look out for the words that you have investigated. Run Wild by Gill Lewis: 0/Run-Wild-by-GillLewis.html (Note: You will need to register with LoveReading4Kids to view the extract. Membership is free). You may wish to print the extract out for some of the sessions but this isn’t essential.

What are your first impressions of Luke and Scott (the Skull brothers), Izzy, Connor and Asher? Write a short paragraph for each of the characters explaining your first impressions. (Try to complete at least two). Make sure that you use evidence from the text to support your impression, e.g. I think that Connor is sensible. However, he is easily persuaded. I think this because, at first, he warns the others about entering the gasworks but it only took a packet of crisps to persuade him to go along with them.

When you are deciding which adjectives to use to describe the children, talk about the words with an adult and have a look at some synonyms in a thesaurus or dictionary to help. Think carefully about their meanings and try to use some of them in your writing instead of your first thought.


Tuesday 7th July- Lesson 2


Today you are going to write an explanation text on how to perform an ollie on a skateboard. First you need to watch this clip. How to ollie with Tony Hawk:

This next clip adds much more detail and technique. Watch up to 5:33 mins, although of course you can choose to watch it all! How to ollie the easiest way tutorial:

Take notes as you watch about the process of how to carry out an ollie. Think about noting down any top tips or troubleshooting ideas that you hear too.

From your notes, write an explanation text on how to perform an ollie.

Things to include:

  • a title
  • a short introduction
  • write in logical steps explaining how to complete an ollie
  • use time adverbials to start your sentences
  • use causal conjunctions to explain why, e.g. because, so that, in order to
  • write in the present tense
  • some diagrams/ illustrations.

Using the link below, look at the information pack if you need any more help on how to write an explanation text. How to write an explanation text:

If you can already perform an ollie, you could film yourself and orally present your explanation!


Wednesday 8th July – Lesson 3

Run Wild by Gill Lewis

Continue reading from page 9 to the end of the extract. Run Wild by Gill Lewis:

Investigate any unfamiliar words. Think about Izzy’s emotions throughout the extract. How has she been feeling at different points? Read back through and highlight (if you have printed the story out) or note down parts in the story where her emotions change, e.g. Trying to get in the gas works – determined.

Complete an emotions graph to show how Izzy’s emotions have changed throughout the extract. On the x-axis write the significant events of the extract, e.g. breaking into the gas works, practising an ollie etc. On the y-axis write a range of emotions, e.g. determined, anxious, etc. Think back to Monday and the choice of adjectives that you used to write your first impressions of the different characters. Could you use some of those? An example image of an emotions graph can be found here:

 (Click on the left hand image under the heading Emotions Graph to enlarge).


Thursday 9th July – Lesson 4

What do you know about wolves? Begin to create a mind map noting down everything you know.

Underneath, note down any questions that you would like to know the answers to about wolves.

Now have a look at the websites below and watch the clip.

Wolf Facts for Kids:

Wolf Facts:

 (Note: contains American spellings)

Wolves 101 – Nat Geo Wild:

 (Note: contains American spellings)

What have you learnt? Have you answered any of your questions? In a different colour pen, add on to your mind map all the new facts that you have learnt about wolves.


Friday 10th July – Lesson 5

Today you are going to complete some writing in response to what you have read this week. You can choose what you write from the following options.

1 – What happens next? Carry on with the next part of the story Run Wild. What will the children do? Are they safe? What will the wolf do? How will they escape without the wolf noticing them, or does the wolf notice them?

2 – Write your own story based on Run Wild. Try to stick closely to the plot of Run Wild, just changing one thing. You could change the characters, the setting, or change the wolf to a different dangerous animal. Plan your story out briefly then write it.

3 – Write a diary entry as if you are one of the characters. Recount what has happened to you and include thoughts and emotions of the character too.

Whichever you choose, try to include some Year 4 sentence types/ grammar skills that you have covered, e.g. fronted adverbials for where or when, or complex sentences with adverb starters (Nervously peering from behind the bush, Izzy put her hand to her mouth in fear.)

Read your work through and check for spelling and punctuation. Don’t forget to send me a copy of your wonderful writing.



Monday 6th July – Lesson 1

Identifying Angles

Number of the Week

Tuesday 7th July – Lesson 2

Compare and order angles

Place Value Game

Wednesday 8th July – Lesson 3


Join the Dots

Thursday 9th July – Lesson 4



Friday 10th July – Lesson 5

Mental Arithmetic Test

Numoku Problem 




Watch this short clip - What is a food chain?-


Have a go at the food chain challenges:

Woodland -

Tundra -

Savannah -


The Food Chain Game – How many different food chains can you make?




At the weekend, the NHS celebrated its 72nd Birthday. Can you design and make a birthday cake to celebrate this special day?


Can you design your own minibeast and make it using everyday household items?




Take part in our virtual sports day – Read the letter from Mrs Smith.

Complete these following activities:

Speed Bounce

Long Distance Running

Distance Throw


Kicking a Ball

Remember to record your scores and send them into school by Friday 10th July.






Spelling Quiz – Purple Mash – 2Do’s



Summer Term - Week 5

Week commencing - Monday 18th May 2020

I cannot believe we are in week five already! Last week, you all exceeded my expectations with your fantastic work!! I am incredibly proud of you all! I would also like to say a special thank you to all of your parents who have sent me your lovely messages, photos and work. I really appreciate all of your support too. I cannot wait to be reunited with you soon! Until then stay safe and importantly keep smiling! Remember you are amazing and you can do this!! ☺☺☺



This week’s theme is ‘Fantastic Beasts’.

Do you believe in the Abominable Snowman? What about the Loch Ness Monster? Enjoy a week discovering some fantastic beasts and maybe create one of your own!

(When following links online, parents should monitor that children are remaining on that page only and are keeping safe online!)


Monday 18th May 2020

Lesson 1- Is it an Abominable Snowman? Is it a Yeti? Is it a Big Foot?

Watch 'Bigfoot of the Himalayas'   (up to 2:26 mins)

 Now read 'Yeti Facts for Kids'.  

Make sure you click on the blue words to find out more about what they mean. Once you have read this, click on the words, ‘Big Foot’ under Related Pages. This will take you to a page all about Big Foot. Read the information.

From all that you have seen and read today, create a fact page/poster all about Yetis and Big Foots to inform children in primary school.


  • a heading
  • a labelled drawing of both a Yeti and a Big Foot
  • subheadings
  • similarities and differences
  • fact boxes (quick facts)
  • important dates
  • locations for each
  • any other information that you find interesting.

Remember to read back through your work and check your spelling and punctuation. Please don’t forget to send me a copy of your fact page or poster on Seesaw or on our school Facebook page.



This week we will be looking at mental arithmetic and equivalent fractions.


Monday 18th May

Lesson 1- Mental Arithmetic


Mental Arithmetic Test

Number of the Week



Week 5 - Other Activities for you to complete throughout the week



This week we will be looking at the water cycle. You will have the opportunity to make your own water cycle.


Pour yourself a glass of water and take a sip. Did you know that the water you’ve just swallowed is the same water that wooly mammoths, King Tutankhamun and the first humans drank? That’s because Earth has been recycling water for over 4 billion years!

The world’s water moves between lakes, rivers, oceans, the atmosphere and the land in an ongoing cycle called – you guessed it! – the water cycle. As it goes through this continuous system, it can be a liquid (water), a gas (vapour) or a solid (ice).


Watch this short clip  ‘What is the water cycle?’ 

Read ‘The Water Cycle’

Can you label the water cycle diagram correctly? In your own words explain what happens during the water cycle. These keywords may help; rivers and streams, ground run off, underground water, sea, evaporation, precipitation, wind, condensation, sun, collection, transpiration.

Make your own ‘Water Cycle Wheel

 Recreate ‘The Water Cycle’ at home.


This week’s topic is one of my favourite lessons to teach! I hope you are not too squeamish as this topic can become very gruesome!


Who were the Pharaohs?

Sort these Pharaohs into the correct order.



Tutankhamun was the most famous pharaoh. Click here to watch a video about his life.


Read more information about Tutankhamun.


In 1922, Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered by an English archaeologist called Howard Carter. Click here to read about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Complete your 2DO on Purple Mash


Egyptian Mummies & the Afterlife

Watch these two clips.


The Afterlife


How to make a mummy:

Create a fact file/poster explaining the mummification process.

Can use your imagination and recreate a mummy using materials in your house?


Create your own Tutankhamun mask.

To make your own mummy and tomb you will need the following;

                Egyptian Mummy Instructions & Egyptian Mummy Model Pack





This week, I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash.

Have a go at this Wordsearch

Using the Statutory Year 3 and 4 spelling sheet- Can you practise your spellings using these different strategies?



How many ‘Home Learning Challenges’ can you complete?




Friday 15th May

Happy Friday Year 4! Thank you for all of your hard work this week. I have enjoyed receiving pictures all of your wonderful work! Keep it up Year 4 as I am very proud of you all! I cannot wait to be reunited with you soon! Until then keep smiling and stay safe!


Lesson 5

Orally retell the story so far.

Plan and write your own chapter of what you think will happen next. What will happen to Lucy? Where will she end up? Will anybody (humans) see her? What will Agatha and the family do when they wake up? Will they go after her? Are they all in danger?


Plan your chapter using a story map. When you write your chapter, think about all of the writing techniques that you have been taught and see how many you can use in your chapter. Can you include any of the new words that you have explored this week?


Read back your chapter out loud and check your spelling and punctuation.Don't forget to send your work to me via Seesaw or on our Facebook page.




Finding the area of shapes by counting squares 

Today's challenge - Twelve Pins

I hope you all have a lovely weekend Year 4!


Thursday 14th May


Lesson 4

Re-read chapter two. Imagine you are Agatha. Write a diary entry from the day when she tells the Yetis that they must stay safely hidden.

Think about:

  • What happened that day?
  • How did Lady Agatha feel and why did she feel like that?
  • What was she concerned about?


Tips for writing a diary entry:

  • Write in first person
  • Write events that have happened that day in chronological order
  • Include how you (Agatha) are feeling about the things that have happened and about what you (Agatha) think might happen if the Yetis don’t stay hidden.

Read through and check your spelling and punctuation. Don’t forget to share your diary entries via Seesaw or our school Facebook page. 



Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Maths Mystery Challenge

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars



Wednesday 13th May


Lesson 3

Read and enjoy Chapter 2 of the text.

Discuss any new/ interesting vocabulary that you encounter. Use a dictionary or Word Hippo to find the meanings and synonyms for each word.

 Draw a picture of all of the Yetis and name them. What do you think they all might look like? Think about size and any characteristics that you can gather from the text, e.g. Yetis have snub noses.

Annotate your picture using words from the text to describe their appearance and their personalities.

Don’t forget to share your pictures with me! You can send your pictures to me via Seesaw or on the school Facebook page.




Draw the 3D Shape Game

Perimeter of a rectangle

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars


Tuesday 12th May


Lesson 2

Re- read Chapter 1 together.

Plan out and write a newspaper report from the day that Agatha disappeared. Think about the following:

  • Who is your report about?
  • Who was there at the time of the disappearance?
  • What has happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?

Set your newspaper out properly. Include the following:

  • A headline - Is it catchy? You could use alliteration
  • A picture
  • An introductory paragraph that briefly includes the 5W’s (who, what, why, where and when)
  • Use past tense and third person (he, she, it or they)
  • Put the information in chronological order
  • A quote from an eyewitness (Agatha’s father)
  • Write in columns


Have a look at First News online to help you with the format of a newspaper article:

(The latest PDF edition is freely available if you sign up with an email.)

Try to include some of the Year 4 grammar/ sentence types you have looked at this year. Read your work through and check your spelling and punctuation.



3D Shape Properties

Card Calculation Challenge

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars


Week 4 - Commencing Monday 11th May 2020

 Good Morning Year 4! 

I hope you have all had a lovely bank holiday weekend celebrating VE Day. I cannot believe we are in week four of the summer term! I want you all to know how incredibly proud I am of you! I know home learning can be tough but we are one week closer to seeing each other again! Keep smiling and remember I am only a message away if you need anything! 

Monday 11th May 2020


 This week in Literacy, our lessons will focus on the first two chapters of 'The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson'

Snatched from her tent whilst camping with her family in the Himalayas, Lady Agatha is missing! Rumour has it that YETIS roam here. Has she been kidnapped by a terrifying monster?

This week’s lessons uses the opening extract from the story (chapters one and two), downloadable from the website. LoveReading4Kids (You will need to become a member of Membership LoveReading4Kids. is free).

 When following links online, parents should monitor that children are remaining on that page only and are keeping safe online.

Lesson 1- Chapter 1

Read and enjoy Chapter 1 of the text.

Look at the vocabulary in the chapter. Find these words and discuss the meaning; natives, ruins, unearthly, mournful, loomed, foul, distraught, fearsome, sacred and studded.

 Can you use the prefix or suffix to help you work out the meaning of some of the words?

 Can you find any other new or exciting words? Discuss meanings of these words. Look up some of the new words you have found using a dictionary or Word Hippo. Find some synonyms (words that mean the same or similar).

Create a wordsearch or a crossword for the words that you have explored today for someone in your family to attempt.




 In numeracy this week, we will be looking at Arithmetic questions and shape. 


Lesson 1:

 Arithmetic Test 

Number of the week

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars


Week 3 - Other Activities for you to complete throughout the week

History - Egyptian Pyramids


Watch the short video ‘Building the pyramids’

Using the clip, write a letter home to your family to tell them about the pyramid you are helping to build? (2Do set on Purple Mash)

 Using the video clip and the websites above, create a fact sheet on the Egyptian Pyramids.


Can you make your own 3D Pyramid?

Design and create your own Egyptian Pyramid.

Geography - Plastic Pollution

Why is plastic in our seas a problem?

Watch the following clip which explains why plastic pollution is an issue.


How does plastic end up in our oceans?

Click here to watch a short clip which explains how plastic ends up in our oceans. 


Watch the short video clip 'How can we stop plastic pollution?'

Create a leaflet or poster on plastic pollution. You must include what plastic pollution is and how we can stop it. Your leaflet or poster will be displayed in the school library when we return to school.

Science - Exploring evaporation and condensation


Watch the clip 'What is evaporation and condensation?'

Using the clip to help you, explain what has happened to the cold drink.




Using this template, draw a picture of yourself for our school railings. Once you have completed your drawing, drop it off at school and we will add it to our display. #Weareallinthistogether

I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash for you to complete.

Egyptian Mindfulness Colouring Sheets




How many ‘Home Learning Challenges’ can you complete?





I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash - Week 4 Spelling Quiz

Have a go at this interactive wordsearch

Adding this week’s spellings into sentences.



Don't forget to check Purple Mash each day too! 



VE Day- Friday 8th May 2020

On Friday, the country should have been rejoicing and celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day, which signified the end of the Second World War in 1945 in Europe. We thought you could still celebrate this special day at home.

To join in the celebrations, why not colour in and create your own 'VE Day Bunting' ready for your own tea party?

Click here to find other VE Day activities.


Don't forget to send photos of how your celebrating VE Day to the school's Facebook page or on Seesaw.


Thursday 7th May 2020


Lesson 4- Lock Down Poetry


Create your own funny poem to perform about your time so far in lock down. Think about the following:

  • What have you been doing each day? (e.g. school work, reading, playing out in your garden/yard, watching TV, playing games etc)
  • What have your siblings/ family members been doing?
  • How can you make it funny?
  • Can you repeat any sections? This could be a chorus?
  • Does it rhyme? (It does not have to rhyme)


It might help to think of some rhyming words or phrases associated with your topic before you write your poem. However, don’t be tempted to use silly words just because they rhyme! Ensure the rhyming words still allow the poem to make sense.

Below are some ideas for rhyming words:

  • Bored, poured, scored, assured
  • Asleep, heap, keep, creep, leap
  • Keeping fit – regretting it, loving it (This is my favourite rhyme!)
  • Exercise, disguise, surprise, recognise
  • School, pool, fool, drool, ridicule
  • Sunshine, skyline, goal line, headline, define
  • NHS, impress, success, nevertheless, fancy dress


Challenge – Can you include some reduplicative phrases (flip-flop phrases) that you investigated yesterday?

Write down your poem. Read it through out loud (remember this is for a performance). Once you are happy with your poem, add actions and perform it to an adult. Don’t forget to share your finished poems with me too!



Click here to find Week 3 - Lesson 4 on 'Dividing 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number' along with a corresponding worksheet.

Try 'Mystery Money Challenge' 

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars






Wednesday 6th May 2020



Lesson 3- Gran can you rap? 

Read and enjoy the poem 'Gran can you rap?'

Once you have read the poem, click here to watch the poem being performed.

Can you spot the reduplicative phrases in the poem? They are words like flip-flop which use alliteration. Can you think of any more flip-flop phrases?

Can you join in with the poem? In sections, learn the poem and put your actions to it. Enjoy!



Click here to find Week 3 - Lesson 3 on 'Dividing 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number' along with a corresponding worksheet.


Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars



Tuesday 5th May 2020




Lesson 2 - No Breathing in class/ strict by Michael Rosen

Click here to watch Michael Rosen perform the poem 'No breathing in class/ strict'

Learn and join in with the repetitive sections.


Vocabulary check

Do you know the meaning of these words from the poem?

  • Keel
  • Shame
  • Tale
  • Figured
  • Whiny
  • Survival


Write down a definition for each word and find some synonyms. Use a dictionary/thesaurus or Word Hippo to help.


Choose three of the words you have learned and write a sentence for each. Remember to include a sentence type which you have learned in Year 4 such as using fronted adverbials to show where, e.g In the middle of the garden, or using an adverb starter, e.g Cautiously,


If you enjoy Michael Rosen’s performances there are plenty more here:




Click here to find Week 3 - Lesson 2 on 'Multiplying 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number' along with a corresponding worksheet.

Can you challenge yourself or a family member to today's game 'Race to the finish?' 

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars


Week 3 - Commencing Monday 4th May 2020

Hello Year 4☺  I hope you've all had a relaxing weekend and you are all refreshed, ready for the week ahead. Last week, you blew me away with your positive attitude towards your learning and all of your work was produced to a very high standard. I am extremely proud of you all and I am looking forward to seeing the work which you produce this week!!  




This week's Literacy theme is 'Performance Poetry'. Get your cameras ready as you delve into the world of performance poetry. You could be the next star of Britain’s Got Talent! 


Lesson 1 - Hot Food by Michael Rosen

Read and enjoy Michael Rosen's poem 'Hot Food'.

Now watch Michael Rosen perform his poem 'Hot Food'


Learn to recite the poem 'Hot Food' putting your own actions and noises/sounds to it. Learn a section at a time and slowly build it up until you can recite it all! 

Can you write your own poem about hot food? What is your favourite hot food? Who might be eating the hot food with you? Your brother? Nan? Mum? Auntie? Friend? 

Consider the last section of the poem where ‘Dad’ puts the food in his mouth. How could you change this? What actions might the person do? E.g. screwing up their face, closing their eyes, fanning their mouth etc.

Write out your new poem and learn it with the actions. How will you make it funny? Can you change the volume or the pitch of your voice to emphasise certain words? Watch the clip again to see how Michael Rosen does this. What effect does this have on your poem?

Perform your poem to someone in your house.

Don't forget to upload your wonderful performances to Seesaw or Facebook.



Click here to find Week 3 - Lesson 1 on 'Multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number' along with a corresponding worksheet.

Have a go at completing 'Number of the week'

Don't forget to practise your tables using TT Rockstars

Week 3 - Other Activities for you to complete throughout the week



This week in Science, we will be looking at the difference between 'Melting & Freezing'. 

Click here to watch the BBC Bitesize video on ' What is freezing and melting?'

In your own words, can you explain the difference between melting and freezing? Can you include any examples?


A fun 'Science Experiment' for you to complete which will help you investigate the differences between melting and freezing.



What was life like for Ancient Egyptians?

Click here to discover what life was like in Ancient Egypt.

 Can you compare their life to yours using on this Venn diagram?

Click here to read 'The homes of Ancient Egyptians'. Using this information, can you draw an Ancient Egyptian house?- Are Noble people’s houses the same as the peasants?




 Watch the videos below:

Can you create a poster of who is in your family in Spanish?



Using the Statutory Year 3 and 4 spelling sheet- Can you practise your spellings using these different strategies?

Purple Mash 2Do – Summer 1- Quiz 3



Rivers can run for many hundreds of miles. The longest river in the world is the Nile in Africa. It is 6,700km long. The longest river in Britain is the River Severn, which is 354km long. Eventually, most rivers meet the sea at an estuary.

This week we will be looking at the seas and oceans of the world. In terms of geography, seas are smaller than oceans and are usually located where the land and ocean meet. Typically, seas are partially enclosed by land.

 Using Google Earth and Kiddle, can you research and find the names of all of the seas and oceans of the world? Can you label them on the World map or create a fact sheet on the seas and oceans of the world?

Challenge: On the World Map, can you label all of the countries?

Games/ videos:


Don't forget to check Purple Mash also as I have set activities for you to complete on here too!

Week 2- Commencing Monday 27thApril 2020                       


Hello Year 4. I hope you've all had a lovely weekend and you are raring to tackle all of the activities set for you this week. Please don't forget to send photos of your wonderful work. I am really looking forward to seeing the work which you produce this week! 


Happy Friday Year Four!!

Friday 1st May 2020



Lesson 5 - Creating your own chocolate bar!!


What is your favourite chocolate bar? Do you have more than one favourite? If you could create your dream chocolate bar what would it be like? What would be in it? What would it be called?

On a sheet, design your own chocolate bar and wrapper.

Think about:

  • What flavour will it be?
  • Will it be hard or soft?
  • Will it have anything in it? (Raisins, popping candy, nougat, apricots, biscuit, etc.)
  • What colours will you use in the wrapper?
  • What is the name of your bar?

Draw and label your bar and wrapper.

When chocolate bars are advertised, they often have a slogan. A slogan is a short and striking or memorable phrase. Watch these adverts, listen out for the slogans:

Mars Bar


Dairy Milk


Create a slogan for your bar. Watch this clip for some inspiration.

Is your slogan catchy? Is your slogan memorable? Have you used any alliteration?



Click here to complete the maths challenges for today. The children in Year 4 should try questions 3 - 6 but if you want a challenge try the ones beyond number 6!

Don't forget to practise your times tables using TT Rockstars



As it is PYJAMARAMA DAY here is a link to activities you can do at home to have some fun! Don't forget to take pictures in your pyjamas of you reading your favourite book! ⭐

Thursday 30th April 2020 


Lesson 4 – All About Chocolate! 

Create your own information page all about chocolate for a children’s magazine. 

Using the information from yesterday, can you create your own information page for a magazine all about chocolate? 

Things you could include

  • A heading 
  • An introduction for your page 
  • Subheadings 
  • Images 
  • Captions 
  • A diagram with labels 
  • Bullet points 
  • Fun facts 
  • Your own chocolate recipe! 
  • Some of the new words you learned yesterday 

Think about all the Year 4 writing skills that you have been taught. Read your information page out loud and edit any spelling or punctuation. 

Don’t forget to share your fantastic work via Facebook or Seesaw!




Click here to find Lesson 4 on 'Ordering Money' along with a corresponding worksheet

 Can you solve the Magic Square?

Don’t forget to keep up with your times tables!!


 Wednesday 29th April 2020



How is chocolate made?

Using the links below, find out how chocolate is made.

Jot down any new/ unfamiliar vocabulary, e.g. ferment, bitter, mass, created.

Use a dictionary/online dictionary such as Word Hippo to find out the meanings of these words. Create your own glossary with your definitions.

Watch this clip:    and/or this one:

Make notes from the websites and clips about chocolate. You may want to use these heading to help organise your notes:

  • Information about where chocolate come from
  • Information about the beans
  • Information about shipping
  • Any important dates
  • From bean to chocolate (the process)
  • Types of chocolate

If you are allowed and have an adult with you, why not have a go at baking the delicious cookies in the recipe.



Click here to find Lesson 3 on 'Pounds and Pence' along with a corresponding worksheet.


Challenge yourself and have a go at 'Daily 10' which is a mental maths challenge/


Tuesday 28th April 2020


Lesson 2: Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

Read and enjoy ‘The Chocolate Room’

Now, watch the clip 'Entering the chocolate room' (Please Note this is a PG certificate)

Imagine that you are there.  Write a descriptive paragraph of what you can see.

Use your senses to help you.

What can you see?     What can you hear?   What can you smell? What can you touch? What can you taste?

Think carefully about including:

  • Precise nouns, e.g. tulips instead of flowers.
  •  Noun phrases/ similes/metaphors
  • First person (I) 
  • Expanded noun phrases, e.g. Mr Wonka turned the key in the small wooden door that lay in front of us.
  • How it makes you feel, e.g. I stopped and stared in awe. - I couldn’t believe my eyes.
  • Write in the past tense.

Read your passage back through out loud and edit any spelling or punctuation. Don't forget to send me your amazing descriptive writing.


Click here to find Lesson 2 on halves and quarters along with a corresponding worksheet


Don’t forget to keep up with your times tables!!






Monday 27th April 2020


After all that chocolate over Easter, why not spend another week indulging in all things chocolate! Therefore our literacy lessons this week are based all around chocolate.


Lesson 1: Michael Rosen - Chocolate Cake

Click here to read Michael Rosen's poem- Chocolate Cake.  

Now watch Michael Rosen perform the poem-  Chocolate Cake.


Which do you prefer? Why?

Michael uses onomatopoeia in his poem. Onomatopoeia is when a word imitates the sound of the object or action it refers to, e.g. guzzle. Can you find some examples of onomatopoeia in the poem? Can you think of an action you might put with that word? Learn to recite the poem putting your own actions and noises to it.

Learn a section at a time and slowly build it up until you can recite it all!

Perform the poem to people in your house or upload a video of yourself reciting the poem.



Click here to find Lesson 1 on round decimals and a corresponding worksheet

A numeracy problem for you to solve.


Don’t forget to keep up with your times tables!!



Week 2- Other Activities for you to complete throughout the week:



Click here to solve the states of matter Venn diagram.

Can you classify which of these properties belong to a solid, liquid or a gas? 

Using your Scientific knowledge, can you determine whether Oobleck is a solid, liquid or gas? Click here to find out how to make Oobleck. 




Purple Mash- 2Dos - Week 2- Summer Term Spelling Quiz

Can you add your spellings to this passage? 


Watch the following video on the River Nile:

Can you complete your 2Do which has been set on Purple Mash? 


This week we will be looking at rivers around the globe. Using Google maps/ Google Earth, how many rivers can you locate and name in the United Kingdom?

Can you name the longest rivers in the world?


Use this Powerpoint and activities to revise and learn new phrases.




How many different places of worship can you name? Create a PowerPoint or poster with at least ten different places of worship from around the world.




Complete the 60 second challenges –

Around the World

Catch and Clap

Socks in the Box








Week commencing Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning Year 4 and welcome to the Summer Term. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter holidays and you're all staying safe at home with your family. As each day passes, it means we are coming closer to being reunited again!

From now on, I  will set daily literacy and numeracy activities and provide you with other resources for a range of subjects each week. Please do not feel pressured into completing all of these tasks set.

Please remember to upload pictures, videos or completed work onto Facebook or Seesaw.


Our literacy lessons this half term will be based on a theme. Our lessons this week will focus on 'The Train to Impossible Places' by P.G. Bell.



Friday 24th April

Lesson 5:

Orally retell the story so far. Write your own chapter of what you think will happen next.Think about all the writing techniques that you have been taught and see how many you can use in your chapter.

Can you include any of the new words that you have explored this week?Read back your chapter out loud and check back over your spelling and punctuation.


Thursday 23rd April 

Lesson 4:

Re-read Chapter 2 and the starting page of Chapter 3 (https://www.lovereadi 259/The-Train-toImpossible-Places-by-PG-Bell.html)

Plan the next chapter for the story using a story map.Think about the following: What do you think has happened to Suzy? What will Suzy see when she wakes? Will Fletch be there? Where do you think the train is going? Is it to an imaginary place? (Think about the title of the book).

Will Suzy’s parents wake up? Will Suzy and Fletch become friends? Think about their personalities that you have looked at on Tuesday and Wednesday. What do you think will happen next?


Wednesday 22nd April 

Lesson 3:

Read Chapter 2 together (https://www.loveread 6259/The-Train-toImpossible-Places-byP-G-Bell.html) Discuss any new/interesting vocabulary that you encounter.

Look at the character Fletch. Draw a picture of what you think Fletch might look like. Annotate the picture using words from the text to describe his appearance and any that describe his personality.

Write a short character description of Fletch.

Tuesday 21st April 

Lesson 2: 

Re-read Chapter 1 together ( -G-Bell.html)

Print this if you can so your child can use a highlighter pen.Highlight all the information you read about Suzy. Now create a fact file or top trumps card about Suzy using the information you have read. Check spelling and punctuation in each sentence together.

Lesson 1:

Read and enjoy Chapter 1 of the text together https://www.lovereading The-Train-to-ImpossiblePlaces-by-P-G-Bell.html (You will need to become a member of the LoveReading4Kids community. The Membership is free). This could be by reading the text to your child or by reading a paragraph, or page, to each other or independent reading.


Look at the vocabulary in the chapter. Find these words and discuss the meaning: sprawled, stifle, unruly, enthusiasm, rare, affliction, sparked, forming, oblivious. Are there any other words that you can find that are exciting words or any new words? Discuss meanings of these words.

 Look up some of the new words you have found in a dictionary or by using Word Hippo (A free app - https://www.wordhippo. com/) Can you find synonyms for your words and write these as a word bank that you might use later in the week?

 Create a word search or a crossword using the new words that you have explored. See if someone in your family can solve either your word search or crossword.

Remember to take a photograph or upload your work so I can see it and provide feedback.




Here you will find five daily numeracy lessons and a corresponding worksheet for Summer Term 1- Week 1:

Don’t forget to keep up with your times tables!!


Purple Mash- 2Dos - Week 1- Summer Term Spelling Quiz

Test yourself by playing these games: 

Miss Lawrence's Phonics Group-




What are the states of matter?

Watch this short video clip:

What are the states of matter? Can you find and identify the three states of matter around your home? Take photographs or draw your findings.

Challenge: Can you explain the different properties between a solid, liquid or gas? 


This half term we should be studying rivers and their importance. 

Watch these short clips:


Using the information from these video clips, can you label the features of a river and write a short description? This task has been set on Purple Mash as a 2DO. Please don't forget to send your work to me so I can provide you with some feedback. 


This half term we should be studying Ancient Egypt. Over the next few weeks, I will set tasks which will focus on many aspects of their civilisation.

Lesson 1:

Watch these video clips which will introduce you to Ancient Egypt.

Using the hieroglyphics alphabet ,which can be found below, can you write your name or a message for an adult to decode? Don't forget to send me a photograph of your messages and I will try to decode them.


Use the links below to revise your Spanish greetings. Can you design a crossword or a word search using these Spanish greetings for an adult to complete? (You need to scroll down to the greetings section for a selection of games)


As I know lots of Year 4 enjoy reading David Walliams' books, I have left a link below to free audio books. Enjoy! 

During this difficult time, Miss Dunkley and Mrs Eades would like to encourage all Year 4 children to keep their positive attitude towards their own learning. Whilst it is a time of uncertainty, try to see this situation as an opportunity. An opportunity to play more, an opportunity to watch a movie with your children, an opportunity to be creative and make a mess, an opportunity to read with each other, an opportunity to have fun and enjoy spending time with your amazing children! Seize this moment and turn it into something positive!

Stay safe and take care,

Miss Dunkley & Mrs Eades





Miss Dunkley

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Eades


We are concentrating on Reading to enhance writing this half term and taking time to really understand what we are reading. Along with listening to your child read please ask them questions about the language the author has used in the story for effect, description of the characters and analyse unfamiliar words. Also listening to you read to them will help improve their understanding of texts.




Please practise times tables at home with your child.

It is NOW statutory nationally that children know all their times tables by the end of year 4. They will continue to be given a specific table each week to learn so keep testing them throughout the week. They will not be given the next table until they have completed the last and they get a great sense of pride when they achieve each table.

PurpleMash has some great activities to help your child with their tables, find them here:



This Terms Value is Thankfulness.  We will be discussing all the things we are Thankful for and learning more about giving thanks.   Make sure you take a look at our Values page to learn more about this term values.



Please click here for the latest homework sheet. These homework tasks are designed to be fun, inspiring and child directed.

Please work together with your child to complete 3 tasks from the selection on the sheet. The way you present the work is entirely up to you.


Please listen to your child read as often as possible. Studies show that children make more progress when they complete regular reading at school and at home and we hope you will take every opportunity to read and discuss with your child a range of texts. We will aim to change the books at least every other day if they have read. Please write notes, comments and questions in their reading diaries.


Spellings and Times Tables



Spellings and times tables will be given on a Monday and tested on a Friday and should be practised daily (10 minutes each). Tables and spelling are integral to children’s progress in Literacy and Numeracy.


As part of the National Curriculum Y4 will be swimming this year on Tuesdays. Please ensure that your child has their swimming kit each week including a hat.


Our PE lessons this half term will take place on Friday afternoons so please ensure your child has their PE in school each week. It is essential they have a full kit to take part in the lessons each week.

Please make sure your child has removed earrings on these days and any long hair is tied up! Thank you.

Curriculum Letter

At the beginning of each term, your child’s class teacher will send out a new curriculum letter.  These letters outline different topics and activities which will be undertaken over the course of the term.  The letter might also indicate how you can support your child at home.


Please Click here to see the latest curriculum letter.


Useful websites