Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Moor Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2LR

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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

  1. Classes
  2. Year 4

Year 4


Welcome to Year 4! 

In Year 4 we celebrate each and every child and everything they achieve!

Our classroom is a nurturing, safe and positive environment where we support each other through encouragement, praise and being a team. As a result, each child tries their best and develops a resilient attitude towards learning where they are willing to have a go and to never give up. 

We have lots of exciting topics this year and some fantastic texts to read! 

 Winnie the Pooh Quotes Printable Wall Art Playroom Sign for - Etsy | Quotes  for kids, Inspirational quotes for kids, Classroom quotes


Class teacher: Mrs Loftus & Miss Platt

Teaching Assistant: 



In Year 4, we encourage children to read every day. Studies show that children make more progress when they complete regular reading at school and at home.

Reading books should be in school every day, so that children can read to an adult in school and we will change books on a Monday and a Thursday. However we will try and change if your child finishes a book and asks for it to be changed or if this is not possible, please read an alternative book from home. 



Spellings are handed out in class  every Monday. Please support your child in practising their spellings, in preparation for their spelling test every Friday. 



Multiplication is a vital part of the curriculum in Year 4. These are practised in class each day. Children are encouraged to practise their times tables each day at home on TT Rockstars, this is a great tool to assist your child in learning and remembering their times tables. Other methods are also encouraged.



This year we are concentrating on improving handwriting and so each week children will bring home a handwriting sheet for them to complete. These will be their spellings for the week.



P.E. this half-term is on a Monday and Thursday. Children need to come in to school in their full kit on these days.  Please ensure that children have removed earrings on these days and that long hair is tied up.


Every Friday we have Saxophone lessons from a Specialist Music Teacher



We use Seesaw to share our hard work and learning in the classroom. We also encourage parents to share their children's learning and experiences from home.



Please find below a copy of our curriculum overview planner and knowledge organisers.

Year 4 Curriculum Planner

Author of the term

Each term, to encourage the children's love of reading, we will be finding out about a new author and exploring some of their books. You will find out focus author for this term below, along with some of their books and links to webpages to share with your children to find out more about our author.


Autumn 1



        The Firework Maker's Daughter : Pullman, Philip: Books    Philip Pullman - Welcome   Clockwork by Philip Pullman | Waterstones 

Autumn 2

Radiya Hafiza

Spring 1

Anne Fine

Spring 2


Autumn Term 1 - Knowledge Organisers

Science - Electricity

Design Technology - Electrical systems:Torches

Computing - Augmented Reality (AR)

French - Presenting Myself

PSHE - Being me in my world

RE -God, David and the Psalms  

History - Local Black History


Autumn Term 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Science - Sound

Art - Printing

Computing - Creating Digital Music

French/MFL - Les Salutations/Greetings

PSHE  - Celebrating Differences

RE -Why is Jesus Described as Light of the World?

Geography - Rivers


Spring Term 1 - Knowledge Organisers

Science - Animals including humans

Design Technology -  Food

Computing - Programming/Coding

French/MFL - Les animaux/Animals

PSHE - Dreams and Goals

RE - Why do Christians believe Jesus is the son of God?

History - Ancient Greeks

Spring Term 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Science - States of Matter 1

Art - Digital Art

Computing - Data Handling - Online Questionnaire

French/MFL - Les Formes/Shapes

PSHE - Healthy Me

RE - Easter a story of Betrayal or trust?

Geography - Global Issues


Summer Term 1 - Knowledge organisers

Science - States of  Matter 2

Design Technology - Textiles

Computing - Presentation –Interactive Quiz eBook

French/MFL - 

PSHE - Relationships

RE - Are all Churches the same?

History - Mayan Civilisation


Summer Term 2 - Knowledge organisers

Science - Living things and their Habitats

Art - Collage

Computing - Animation: Line drawing animation

French/MFL - 

PSHE - Changing Me

RE - What is Prayer?

Geography - Region of Europe


Enhancements 2023-24

In Autumn 1 we paid a visit to Chorley Library. We learnt about the history of Chorley, looked at historical maps, local artists and how and why the Windrush generation settled in Chorley

We walked to Birkacre and surveyed the River Yarrow to help our understanding in Geography in Autumn 2

We visited the Museum of Science and Industry to develop our scientific understanding in Summer 2.