Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

  1. Classes
  2. Year 2


Year 2

Class teacher - Mrs A Kavanagh + Mrs D Mellor

Teaching Assistant - Miss T Bromley

Welcome to the Year Two's class page! 

Year Two at All Saints' continues to be an exciting year as they continue their journey through school. 

Our Year Two classroom is a positive learning environment where praise and encouragement are used to motivate and support all of the children. All we ask is that every child tries their best and develops a resilient attitude towards learning where they are willing to have a go and to never give up when the going gets tough. The nature of the classroom will nurture the self-esteem of the children, equipping them with the confidence to believe in themselves.


Year 2 - Long Term Plan


Class Letters

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1


Year 2 Enhancement Letters

Autumn 1 

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Y2's Class Author

Every term, to further encourage the children's love of reading, we will be finding out about a new author and exploring several of their books. You will find our Focus author below and links to their webpages to share with your children.

Author of the Term : 

Walt Disney



Reading books should be sent into school each day and children will be given the opportunity to change these every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Every Friday children will be given a Spelling sheet with words that they have learned that week. Please practise these with your child to consolidate learning. 

Physical Education

Our PE lesson will be on a Tuesday and WednesdayOn this day, your children will need to ensure their PE kits are in school. Please ensure that they are in appropriate kit with earring removed. 


We use Seesaw to share our hard work and learning in the classroom. We also encourage parents to share their children's learning and experiences from home.


What have we been learning about in Year 2?

Knowledge Organisers 


Autumn 1 

Science -  Living things in their habitats 

Geography - Continents and Oceans

Art - Painting: Wassily Kandinsky

Computing - Using the internet

RE - The Bible:  Why is the Bible a special book?

PSHE - Being me in my world

Music - Hands, Feet, Heart (South  African styles -Glockenspiels) 



Autumn 2 

Science - Materials

History - Explorers

DT - Puppets

RE - Why was the birth of Jesus good news?

Computing - Creating Pictures

PSHE - Celebrating Differences

Music - Christmas Performance (Singing and Performing)

PE - FMS and Dance


Spring 1

RE - Jesus friend to everyone

Geography - Non-European Country - Australia

Science - Animals including Humans

Computing - Messaging and Email

Art - 3D Sculpture

PE - Gymnastics/ Invasion games

PSHE - Dreams and Goals

Music - I Wanna Play in a Band (Rock)


Spring 2

RE - How do symbols help us to understand the Easter story?

History - Local History

Science - Animals – Animals survival and growth

Computing - Augmented Reality -  story telling

Design Technology - Mechanisms:Moving Vehicles

PE - Sending and Receiving

PSHE - Healthy Me

Music - Reggae Music


Summer 1

RE - Why is the church a special place for Christians?  

History - Victorian Seaside

Science - Plants

Computing - Presentations -Interactive images

Art - Digital Art

PSHE - Relationships

Music - The Friendship Song

PE - Striking and Fielding


Summer 2

RE - What happened at Ascension and Pentecost?

Geography - Chorley and Fleetwood

Science - Living things and their Habitats

Computing - Data Handling: Venn Diagrams

Design Technology - Food (making Soup)

PSHE - Changing Me

Music -Reflect, Replay and Rewind

PE - Athletics