Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

  1. Classes
  2. Year 5

Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 class page!

Year 5 is an exciting year as the children continue their journey through school.

Our classroom environment is based on encouragement, fun, resilience, hard work and trust! We follow our Ruby Rules and support each other in all our endeavours. Year 5 is a very supportive and caring place to be!

We have lots of exciting topics this year which the children will love and some fantastic texts to read! 

We value the support you give your children at home and by working as a team we will have a very successful year!

Miss Roberts, Miss Flannery and Mrs Stringer  




Please listen to your child read as often as possible. The more your children read the more progress they will make. Please make comments in your child's reading diaries and if you have any questions at all please let us know. Books will be changed regularly. Each week there will be an award for our 'Reader of the Week'.


Our Author this half term is:

Eva Ibbotson

                                                  Journey to the River Sea: Eva Ibbotson        Eva Ibbotson


Spellings will be given out every Monday for a test on Friday. Please practice the spellings daily it is an integral part to children's learning. Spellings will also be uploaded to Spelling frame for the children to practise. If you need another spelling frame login at any point please ask.


Children will be set a piece of maths homework each week to be handed in each Friday, this will relate to what we have been learning about in class that week. 


Times tables are an important part of a children's education, they worked extremely hard in Year 4 so lets keep this up! Every Friday we will be having a focus on these and encourage children to practise daily for 15 minutes on TT Rockstars.

Thank you for your support.


As part of the National Curriculum we will have two hours of PE a week. Our PE day is Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesdays children will attend swimming, children are to come into school in full uniform with their swimming kit in a bag. Please ensure that your child arrives to school in their PE kit on Thursday. This is a school t-shirt in their team colours or a white plain t-shirt and blue or black shorts. Please send them with trainers rather than pumps too as we do try and get outside as much as we can. 


Don't forget to check Seesaw for regular updates on what your child has been learning about. There's lots of pictures and videos to see! Please ask if you need your login. 

Year 5 Learning 2023-24

Here is what we will be learning in Year 5 this year. Please encourage your child to discuss what they have learnt during the year and we love seeing projects the children have done at home.

Year 5 Long term plan 2023-24.pdf

Summer 1 Curriculum Letter

Summer 1 Curriculum Letter.pdf


 Knowledge organisers

At the start of our new topics in our subjects we share with the children the what we will be learning. They then have a copy of this to refer back too. We find this helps the children to retain what they have been learning in class. It also encourages them to ask questions relevant to the topic. This is the knowledge organisers so far this year. 


Autumn 1

Art - 3D Sculptures Knowledge Organiser

RE - How and why Christians use the Bible Knowledge Organiser

Computing - Coding/Programming Knowledge Organiser

Geography - The United Kingdom Knowledge Organiser

MFL - Presenting myself knowledge organiser Year 5.docx

Music - Livin' on a prayer Knowledge Organiser

Science  - Materials and Properties Knowledge Organiser

PSHE - Being me in my world Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2

DT - Food knowledge organiser.pdf

History - Romans in Britain knowledge organiser.pdf

MFL - 'Les Romains' knowledge organiser.pdf

Music - Classroom Jazz knowledge organiser.pdf

RE - How our celebrations reflect the true meaning of Christmas knowledge organiser.docx


Spring 1

RE - Jesus as a Teacher Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Art - Painting and Drawing Knowledge Organiser.docx.pdf

Geography - MTP Geography - The water cycle.pdf

Science - Earth and Space Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Computing - Multi Media Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Spring 2

RE - Why do Christian's believe that Easter is a sign of victory? RE KO - Easter.pdf

Design and Technology - Mechanical Systems DT KO - Mechanism.pdf

Science - Forces Science KO - Forces.pdf

History - Anglo Saxons History KO - Anglo Saxon.pdf

PSHE - Healthy Me PSHE KO - Healthy Me.pdf

Computing - Research and Presentation Computing KO - Research and Presentation.pdf

Summer 1

Geography - The Amazon  Geography KO - Summer 1 - Amazon.pdf

Computing - Data Handling Computing KO - Summer 1 - Data Handling.pdf

Art - Textiles Art KO - Summer 1 - Textiles.pdf

RE - How did the news of Jesus resurrection spread around the world? RE KO - Summer 1 -St Paul.pdf

Science - Living things and their habitats Science KO - Summer 1 - Living Things.pdf

MFL - The Weather French KO - Summer 1 - Weather.pdf

PSHE - Relationships PSHE KO -Summer 1 - Relationships.pdf



Please find attached some websites that will further enhance your child's learning this term in Year 5.

Art - Textiles 

Geography: The Amazon 

Science: Living things and their habitats 

Computing: Staying safe whilst online gaming