Physical Education
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation stage
National Curriculum Programmes of Study for PE in Key stage 1 and 2.
All Saints Sports Premium 2022-23
All Saints Sports Premium 2023-24
Bikeability and Swimming
Throughout Keys Stage 2 the children will learn to swim. They will attend Brinscall baths weekly for an hour to be taught by fully qualified and experienced swimming teachers. Please see class Curriculum letters, or the Seesaw App for when your child's class is attending.
PE Lessons Days - Autumn 1
PE kit must consist of:
- School jumper
- School team T- Shirt or Plain White T- shirt
- Royal blue school shorts or Black Shorts
- Blue/ Black joggers or leggings and Trainers ( no patterns or large logos )
Useful Websites
Physical Education - England - BBC Bitesize
KS2 Physical Education - BBC Bitesize
Our PE Ambassador
Our PE Ambassador is Year 6 pupil, Omarian Sifuya. Omarian will work alongside Miss Platt, who is the PE subject leader, in things such as learning walks, lesson observations and pupil interviews. This will help Omarian to develop his own leadership skills and develop our next steps in PE. By working together with the pupils we aim to improve our knowledge, understanding and love of PE.
Clubs and Competitions
At All Saints' we have always prided ourselves on the high standards of physical education we deliver. We provide the children with opportunities to take part in a wide range of sports clubs and sports competitions. Some of these clubs are provided by Chorley Sports Partnership and led by specialist sports coaches. Clubs include: Netball, Football, Dodgeball, Multi skills, Cross Country, Tag Rugby and Athletics.
At All Saints' we are very supportive of each other and our children shine when taking part in competitions and festivals. We believe all children should have this opportunity and are very proud of how inclusive we are. This is just a selection of some we have been involved with this year.