Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Moor Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2LR

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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

  1. Classes
  2. Year 1

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1!

Class teacher - Mrs K Bee + Miss A Longton (Associate teacher)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs S Rutter and Mrs R Cosens

Welcome to the Year One's class page! 

Year One at All Saints' continues to be an exciting year for your child, as they continue their journey through school. 

Our Year One classroom is a positive learning environment where praise and encouragement are used to motivate and support all of the children. All we ask is that every child tries their best and develops a resilient attitude towards learning where they are willing to have a go and to never give up when the going gets tough. The nature of the classroom will nurture the self-esteem of the children, equipping them with the confidence to believe in themselves.



In Year One we encourage the children to read every day. Studies show that children make more progress when they complete regular reading at home and in school. 

Reading books and diaries should be sent into school every day with your child, so that children can read to an adult in school. Reading books will be changed twice weekly, on a Tuesday and on a Friday. Please make sure to write any comments and sign your child's reading diary each time they have read at home.



We use Seesaw to share our hard work and learning in the classroom. We also encourage parents to share their children's learning and experiences from home.



Year One's PE this half-term will be on a TUESDAY and a THURSDAY. It is essential that children come to school in their full school PE kit on these days, in order to take part. Prior to school, please ensure that children have removed any earrings on these days and that long hair is tied up. 


Authors of the Half-Term

Every half-term, to further promote the children's love of reading, we will be finding out about a new author and exploring several of their books. The children love to vote for a story at home time (choice of two, both written by our author of the half-term) and listen to the winning one!


Author of the half-term: Autumn 1

John Burningham

 Author of the half-term: Autumn 2

Sue Hendra

Author of the half-term: Spring 1

Julia Donaldson

Author of the half-term: Spring 2

Beatrix Potter

Author of the half-term: Summer 1

Ian Whybrow





Please find below a copy of our yearly subject curriculum map and knowledge organisers. These can be used at home to help encourage your child to discuss their learning. 


Year 1 - Yearly Long Term Plan


Knowledge Organisers (See below)

Autumn 1

Y1 Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser (Animals)

 Y1 Autumn 1 Art Knowledge Organiser (Collage)

Y1 Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser (All Saints')

Y1 Autumn 1 RE Knowledge Organiser (Harvest)


Autumn 2

Y1 Autumn 2 History Knowledge Organiser (Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot)

Y1 Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser (Light and Astronomy)

Y1 Autumn 2 Design Technology Knowledge Organiser (Food)

Y1 Autumn 2 RE Knowledge Organiser (My world, Jesus' World)

Y1 Autumn 1 RE Knowledge Organiser (Why do we give and receive gifts?)


Spring 1

Y1 Spring 1 DT Knowledge Organiser (Mechanisms)

Y1 Spring 1 History Knowledge Organiser (The Great Fire of London)

Y1 Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser (Animals including humans)

Y1 Spring 1 Computing Knowledge Organiser (Pictograms)

Y1 Spring 1 RE Knowledge Organiser


Spring 2

Y1 Spring 2 Art Knowledge Organiser (Printing- Andy Warhol)

Y1 Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser (Light and Astronomy)

Y1 Spring 2 Geography Knowledge Organiser (Our Local Area- Chorley)

Y1 Spring 2 Computing Knowledge Organiser (Manipulating Images)

Y1 Spring 2 RE Knowledge Organiser (Easter)


Summer 1

Y1 Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser (Everyday Materials)

Y1 Summer 1 RE Knowledge Organiser (Baptism)


Please find below our newsletters.

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Autumn 1 Curriculum Enhancements Letter

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Autumn 2 Curriculum Enhancements Letter

Spring 1 Newsletter

Spring 1 Curriculum Enhancements Letter

Spring 2 Newsletter

Spring 2 Curriculum Enhancements Letter

Summer 1 Newsletter

Summer 1 Curriculum Enhancements Letter