Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
In Year 3, our classroom is a fun, caring and inclusive space where every child works hard and supports each other in a kind and respectful manner.
Keep your eyes peeled on our class page throughout the year, as we will be adding information and links, which will enable you to support your child’s learning even further and be a part of their journey.
Please get in touch if there is anything else that you would like us to add to our page and don’t forget you can message us directly on Seesaw too.
Class Teacher- Miss G.Partington
Class Teaching Assistants- Mrs D.Eades and Miss L.Flannery
In Year 3 we encourage the children to read every day. Studies show that children make more progress when they complete regular reading at home and in school.
Reading books and diaries should be sent into school every day with your child, so that children can read to an adult in school. Reading books will be changed twice weekly, and we will aim to do this on a Tuesday and on a Friday. Please make sure to write any comments and sign your child's reading diary each time they have read at home. Each time your child brings in their reading book and diary they will receive points which will add up to blue slips and prizes.
Authors of the term:
Every term, to further promote the children's love of reading, we will be finding out about a new author and exploring several of their books.
Autumn- Michael Bond
Spring- Clive King
Summer- Enid Blyton
Times Tables
By the end of Year 3, it is expected that your child can recall facts for the 2,3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. They will be tested every Wednesday. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly using TT Rockstars.
Every other Monday, as part of the children's homework, a times table activity will be sent home with the children. This should be completed and returned by the following Friday.
Spellings are sent home every Monday, as part of your child's homework. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings as often as possible, as the children will be tested on a Friday. Your child should practise these using the paper copy which is sent home and they can also practise them on Spelling Frame. SpellingFrame The test is completed using the words in sentences.
Our PE lessons this half-term will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child COMES into school in their full school PE kit ONLY, on these days. It is essential they have a full kit to take part in the lessons each week. Please make sure your child has removed earrings on these days and any long hair is tied up.
Throughout the year, don't forget to keep an eye on Seesaw to see what we get up to! Please ask if you need your log on for Seesaw again.
Take a look at what we will be getting up to this year:
Year 3 Long Term Plan 24-25.docx
Take a look at our knowledge organisers:
Take a look at our curriculum letters: