Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Moor Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2LR

01257 262489

Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

    1. News
    2. Thank You

    Thank You

    7 November 2016 (by admin)

    May we take this opportunity to thank our parents/carers for their continued support and patience for all we have been asking from you this half term.

    We always seem to be chasing up for permission slips, trip money, PE Kits, homework etc but we do it to improve your child’s experience of school. Can we ask that if you have any concerns about your child please don’t post on social media, come into school and see us we will always be happy to discuss any issues with you.